1. How long are shipping times?

Each product at Stuff 4 Tech has an estimated delivery time that you can find in the product description! As a general rule your products will ship within two days of your order, then normally take around two weeks to reach your doorstep, products can be shipped from various locations so may be shipped in separate packages.

2. What's your return policy?

We offer a 30-day money back guarantee! If for any reason you would like to return your item please contact us, tell us what went wrong then send us a pic. Once we have your picture we will send you a returns label, as soon as its delivered we will refund you in full. As every return has a carbon footprint we may just refund you and ask you to recycle the item locally.

3. Can I cancel my order?

Cancellations are possible if you do not receive your package within the time frame specified for each individual product, let us know and we will refund your payment.

4. What happens if I receive the wrong item?

If there’s an issue with your order get in touch, send us a picture and we will send a returns label to return the item for refund or replacement.

5. Do you offer exchanges?

We do not offer exchanges, however if for any reason you didn't get the exact product expected just let us know and we can get your item returned and refunded leaving you free to order an alternative.